Apr 20, 2020
- Health and wellbeing
- Health, Safety, Environment, Quality
- Media Releases
- Street Cleaning
- Urban Issues
Amid the continuing COVID-19 public health crisis, cities and communities urgently need sanitisation and cleansing of communal hot spots, essential services spaces, municipal facilities, and open spaces. Overseas evidence suggests wholesale cleansing helps to combat the spread of the virus.
Citywide has responded to this situation by expanding our services to include Emergency and Maintenance Sanitisation Solutions: a rapid response service to support our customers in maintaining healthy, safe communities and neighbourhoods.
Our specially equipped units are able to mobilise quickly, safely, and effectively to deliver targeted cleansing, sanitisation and disinfecting of popular public spaces and common touch points including seating and street furniture, as well as wider urban infrastructure and facilities.
Media Contact:
Simon Mossman - Group Corporate Communications
M 0427 307 216
E simon.mossman@citywide.com.au